Welcome Rockstar!
I am so excited you have joined...

Your next step is to head over to our private FB Group Community > The Wealthy Real Estate Kingdom and join our amazing supportive and collaborative group of Kingdom Real Estate Realpreneurs. Share a photo or short video introducing yourself and share a lil bit about you, your rocking real estate excitement and what you would like to achieve!
*COPY & PASTE the link below to join


STEP 2 > TEXT "Challenge" to 202-918-4106 as this is my personal community phone number where I can stay connected to you via text message. *Be sure to click the link and enter your contact info into my phone so we can DM & text.
STEP 3 > Check your emails daily for all announcements, details and information on the 7 Day Rock Your Real Estate Challenge

Known as The Lady Boss of Real Estate; Tammy is a passionate heart centered, self made empire builder is imperfectly perfect.  A  life, business & real estate game changer as I shoot straight from the hip - no drama,  transparent accountability.
I am a scrappy survivor full of grit & grace. If I am not on the streets hustling deals, securing massive cash flow, forcing market appreciation or negotiating equity spreads for my students you will most likely find me grinding gears on my Harley along a warm beach coastline or hugging mountain curves.
My story is one of extraordinary loss & a miracle survivor, of spirit & strength and a fairytale love. You could say, "a beautiful disaster!"
I bring every fibre of my life & business experiences, my battle wounds & my GOD fearing heart to my real estate Kingdom. I was called to demystify the truths & simplify the complicated process of how we all can achieve, succeed, thrive & build a real life > real world > real estate empire and legacy for multi generational wealth.
I am a realpreneur with decades of "street wisdom" experiences, accomplished & National award winning kingdom builder, leader with successes & failures. A proud high school dropout whose self made. I am a savvy, wise, smart bad a$$ queen. After all...If I can, so can you too my kings and queens!

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